Suppliers, distributors, wholesalers etc. can support our activities. All dealings by Sanofi with its business partners are executed based sustainability, integrity, high quality of the products and services requested, availability, competitive prices, and innovation.

They can also present a variety of risks to our operations, finances, and reputation, particularly when a business partner does not adhere to Sanofi's standards of conduct.

Human Rights

Sanofi is committed to respecting and promoting human rights, consistent with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Read more in our Supplier's Code of Conduct.

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How to minimize risk?

Sanofi aims to minimize risks and create stable, long term business relationships with selected partners, that are screened through a risk-based approach.

For purchasing categories considered as risky from a sustainability standpoint, suppliers are either audited (most critical vendors), or subject to due diligence.

  • We engage with business partners based on objective criteria, including demonstrated competence and a record of integrity that aligns with our standards of conduct.
  • We undertake prior to their selection a risk-based due diligence on every business partner belonging to one of our pre-defined high-risk business partner categories.
  • We utilize controls that include routine monitoring, training, auditing, and other assessments to help detect, prevent, and remediate potential non-compliant activities by our business partners.
  • We invest resources to help our business partners easily access and understand our standards of conduct while also supporting their continuous improvement.
  • We undertake cross-functional collaboration throughout Sanofi in the lifecycle management of our business partners.





Supplier certifications and assessments

We measure the quality of our suppliers' sustainability management system with the support of Ecovadis. To promote a culture of ethics and integrity and to comply with anti-corruption regulations, we also conduct antibribery due diligence on targeted vendors.

Our responsible business program is completed by other ad-hoc due diligences (e.g. Conflict Minerals).